A small group of Texas Baptists stood in one of the various Baptist rehabilitation centers in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, listening as a young man passionately recounted his salvation from a life of drug addiction through his newfound faith in Jesus Christ.
In addition to providing invaluable physical help to hurting communities, this Texas Baptists ministry of junior high, high school and college-aged students is expanding to provide support to budding churches as well.
When the staff at the Women’s Health Specialists of Dallas began planning their next office event, they knew they wanted it to be more meaningful than a happy hour or luncheon.
Rosa Bailey provides some tips that she has learned about how to organize an amazing school supply drive.
"...students at ETBU are able to engage in a holistic education that not only engages their minds, but also grows them in their relationships with Jesus."
“Super Summer is not just another camp...It’s camp on spiritual steroids.”
Though she originally only wanted to go for two weeks, Connor felt God tugging on her heart to go for the whole summer.
The week, which included worship, more than 30 seminars, special luncheons, and officer elections, centered around working together with fellow pastors, WMU Sisters Who Care, and AAF members.