“Opportunities like this help us shift our focus off of ‘me’ and focus on things that really matter,”
“Coming out of Covid it's a perfect time for churches, youth ministries, churches in general to try new things."
“We have people coming through all morning, and they all keep saying ‘thank you.’ But we want our service to reflect, ‘no, thank you.’”
The February 2021 Executive Board meeting was altered to accommodate weather-related emergencies from Winter Storms Uri and Violet. Despite this, committees were able to hold meetings across a weeklong period and passed three resolutions.
"Through endowment gifts, your legacy extends far beyond your lifetime.”
"I’m just going to be faithful. Faithful to love the people, faithful to preach the Word,”
"...even during a pandemic, we figured out how to reach more people through this incredible training.”
“It’s as if 2 Corinthians 9:12 is being lived out as Texas Baptists are ‘supplying the needs of God’s people"
"...as we plan our events, we plan them in the hopes that not only will people become disciples but that they can make disciples,”
“Deciding to trust the maker and giver of life was the best decision I ever made.”