Articles by Kirsten McKimmey

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It’s bigger than hip-hop

by Kirsten McKimmey on April 23, 2019 in Great Commandment

Church Planter Jason Rhodes’ desire was to reach those in his community, however, he never expected that to happen through hip-hop music.

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Revitalizing a church and reimagining community outreach

by Kirsten McKimmey on November 26, 2018 in Great Commandment

Cooperation can be a catalyst for change and a powerful tool for community ministry. Recently, Texas Baptist Missions Foundation (TBMF) Vice President Jerry Carlisle connected a donor and a matching grant, with a new church start at just the right moment. Through connections with TBMF, the local association, church starting, and a partner church, The Church at Junius Heights is now equipped for ministry in the East Dallas community.

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BSM Director sees God’s provision through life-changing circumstances

by Guest Author on November 15, 2018 in News

On April 5, 2018, BSM Director Cody Shouse sat in Austin traffic on the way home from The University of Texas at Austin’s Longhorn BSM weekly Bible study. Unexpectedly, his car was hit from behind by another vehicle going 60 miles per hour, resulting in a serious accident.

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Uniting as One Accord Fellowship

by Kirsten McKimmey on October 22, 2018 in Great Commission

Two struggling churches just two miles down the road from each other decided that together they could do more in bringing the kingdom of God to Lubbock and beyond.

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Discipling Generations

by Kirsten McKimmey and Analiz Schremmer on October 22, 2018 in Great Commission

Discipleship is vital in the church. Read how three churches incorporate discipleship into their ministries to children, youth and adults.

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The problem of pornography

by Kirsten McKimmey on October 2, 2018 in Faith

Jenna Mountain didn’t hesitate with the crowd as she opened her workshop, saying, “Pornography has shifted our culture of sexuality and it’s a problem. It’s taken away God’s good gift of sexuality.”

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Texas Baptists BOUNCE Student Disaster Recovery aids Harvey affected areas for 2019

by Kirsten McKimmey on September 25, 2018 in Great Commission

BOUNCE Student Disaster Recovery’s mission is to restore hope, rebuild communities and reflect Christ. In 2019, they will do that by giving students the opportunity to be a part of the continued disaster recovery work for Hurricane Harvey, as well as new efforts to partner with church starts in Texas.

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Texas Baptist Men send disaster relief volunteers to N.C.

by Kirsten McKimmey on September 20, 2018 in News

On Sept. 20, Texas Baptist Men Disaster Relief sent their first group of volunteers, including 13 men and women, to Bayboro, North Carolina, in response to damage caused by Hurricane Florence.

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Texas Baptists welcome Eric Hernandez to the Great Commission Team

by Kirsten McKimmey on September 5, 2018 in News

Eric Hernandez recently joined Texas Baptists Great Commission Team as the new Apologetics Lead & Millennial Specialist.

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Paredes emphasizes placing trust in the ‘Great I AM’ at Family Gathering

by Kirsten McKimmey on August 29, 2018 in Faith

Jason Paredes, lead pastor of Fielder Church in Arlington, Texas, presented the sermon during the last evening worship session of 2018 Texas Baptists Family Gathering.

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