Articles by Kirsten McKimmey

21 - 30 of 72 articles

Leadership Texas Baptists cohort 3 recognized at Executive Board Meeting

by Kirsten McKimmey on May 29, 2018 in News

The third cohort of Leadership Texas Baptists was honored during Texas Baptists’ Executive Board Meeting on May 21. The graduation celebration, held during Monday evening’s session, awarded and recognized the 11 emerging young leaders for their hard work and dedication during the nine-month long program.

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Go Now student missionaries commissioned for summer missions

by Kirsten McKimmey on May 24, 2018 in News

Two hundred students and their families gathered on May 20 for the Go Now Missions Commissioning Service held at Dallas Baptist University. The service was an opportunity for families and friends to worship alongside the student missionaries before leaving for mission across the world.

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2018 State Bible Drill and Speakers' Tournament Winners Named

by Kirsten McKimmey on May 23, 2018 in News

Dallas Baptist University recently hosted the annual Texas Baptists Bible Drill and Speakers’ Tournament State Finals.

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Texas Baptists welcome Dustin Payne as new Church Starter for Area 3

by Kirsten McKimmey on May 21, 2018 in News

Texas Baptists welcomes Dustin Payne as the New Church starter for Area 3 in Southeast Texas including Katy, Houston, Galveston, Beaumont and College Station.

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Texas Baptists partners with NBCA to host Annual Tent Revival in Dallas

by Kirsten McKimmey on May 14, 2018 in News

The National Baptist Convention of America International, Inc. held their Annual Tent Revival from April 23-26 at East Gate Baptist Church in Dallas. This was the first year for Texas Baptists to partner with the NBCA to help host this event.

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BSM medical students provide medical screenings and ministry in Houston

by Kirsten McKimmey on May 14, 2018 in Great Commission

This Easter, a community was drawn together through the partnership of four different organizations to meet physical and spiritual needs in an underserved Houston Hispanic community.

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WMU encourages believers to pursue God’s Gospel calling

by Kirsten McKimmey on April 26, 2018 in News

The Woman’s Missionary Union of Texas (WMU) hosted their Annual Meeting and Missions Celebration on April 13-14 at First Baptist Church Georgetown. The focus of this meeting was to pursue God’s Gospel-calling. The event challenged attendees to make an impact in their communities for the Kingdom through passionately telling His story, creatively empowering leaders and obediently engaging the world for Christ.

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Texas Baptists to honor Dr. Ken Coffee and Dr. Virginia Connally with Legacy Awards

by Kirsten McKimmey on April 23, 2018 in Press Releases

Each year, deep in the heart of Texas, Texas Baptists meet on the first Sunday in June at the historic Independence Baptist Church to honor individuals who have represented Texas Baptists exceedingly well.

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Sharing your faith in different settings

by Kalie Lowrie and Kirsten McKimmey on April 23, 2018 in Great Commission

When Jesus commanded his followers in Matthew 28 to go and make disciples, it was a call to share the Gospel with all people. No matter the context in which you find yourself, through prayer, submission to the Holy Spirit’s promptings and obedience to the word of God, opportunities to share the Gospel can abound. Here are some different contexts and key factors to consider when sharing your faith.

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Project:Start launches Refugee Life Upgrade

by Kirsten McKimmey on April 18, 2018 in Press Releases

Project:Start, a refugee resource center supported by Texas Baptists, works to connect refugees in Dallas with the resources they need to find stability. Currently, thousands of refugees live within just a three-mile stretch of the North Dallas neighborhood called Vickery Meadow where over 30 different languages are spoken.

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