“We believe in and we support with all of our hearts, life.”
More than 2,000 participants in-person and online witnessed the launch of Faith Fosters Texas at the 2019 Texas Baptists Annual Meeting Nov. 17-19.
The banquet table of Christ is for everyone, said Dr. Michael Evans, president of Texas Baptists and pastor at Bethlehem Baptist Church in Mansfield, and Texas Baptists are compelled to invite others to join the feast.
All three convention officers were re-elected to serve for a second term during the Monday morning business session at the 134th Annual Meeting of the Baptist General Convention of Texas Monday in Waco.
The Baptist General Convention of Texas will gather for the 134th Annual Meeting from Nov. 17-19, at the Waco Convention Center.
Craig Christina, pastor of Shiloh Terrace Baptist Church in Dallas, has been elected to serve as the next Associate Executive Director of the Baptist General Convention of Texas (BGCT).
During the September meeting of the Baptist General Convention of Texas Executive Board, directors elected officers, approved the 2020 proposed budget, received an update on disaster relief efforts in Southeast Texas, and recognized the ministry of outgoing Associate Executive Director Steve Vernon.
Our Texas Baptist family is heartbroken over the tragic and senseless mass shooting of this past weekend in El Paso.
A number of Texas Baptists leaders have announced in the last few months that they are transitioning roles.
During the Texas Baptists Executive Board meeting May 20-21, outside experts, as well as convention leadership, staff, and officers repeatedly emphasized the importance of safeguards to protect those at church.