Articles by Meredith Poe

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Texas Baptists and GuideStone partner to provide free video resources on ministers’ compensation

by Meredith Poe on August 24, 2023 in News

"The financial resources provided by GuideStone are geared specifically for the unique financial challenges and opportunities ministers face,"

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Pastor Sabbatical Grant helps pastors escape burnout

by George Schroeder on July 31, 2023 in News

"[It] started me on a journey toward a more balanced schedule in all of life."

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Bivocational Ministry: A good option for some pastors that gets them around lost people and provides for their families.

by Tammy Tervooren on May 31, 2023 in Financial Health

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New collaboration between Financial Health team and Bivocational Ministry provides insights, information to those considering bivocational work

by Tammy Tervooren on February 10, 2023 in Financial Health

Dr. Ira Antoine talks to Pastor David Derry, from the Houston area, and Pastor Ryan Michelsm from the DFW Metroplex for a discussion on the advantages and disadvantages of bivocational work.

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Inflation Relief Grant to reopen for pastors, ministry staff thanks to generous gift

by Texas Baptists Communications on December 19, 2022 in News

"Our hope is that it will serve pastors and their families, and they’ll be able to stay in the church they’re serving in and breathe easier.”

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Managing Holiday Expenses

by Tammy Tervooren on September 26, 2022 in Financial Health

Christian and Matia Messemer share how they manage their Christmas expenses and still find ways to honor their family’s Christmas traditions and celebrate while not overspending.

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Learn basic financial principles guided by God’s Word with free new resource from the Center for Ministerial Health

by Tammy Tervooren on May 25, 2022 in Financial Health

“We wanted to provide a resource that makes financial planning for Christians easy and affordable.”

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How to Protest Your Property Value Notice

by Financial Health Team on May 10, 2022 in Financial Health

“Time is running out. Protest deadlines vary from county to county, but most deadlines are May 16th,”

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New Pastor Sabbatical Grant Program announced

by Texas Baptists Communications on November 15, 2021 in News

The Pastor Sabbatical Grant Program aims to assist and encourage churches in providing sabbatical for their pastors.

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Pastor Appreciation Month ideas from the Center for Ministerial Health

by Tammy Tervooren & Karl Fickling on October 18, 2021 in Ministerial Health

Some thoughts from two ministry leaders, who are dedicated to serving ministers and pastors, on how you can empower your pastor to be his best this month and every month.

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