Healthcare workers and hunger ministries are working tirelessly to take care of every person God brings into their path. We are so proud of our ministries who receive our churches’ support through the Texas Baptist Hunger Offering (TBHO). These ministries are on the frontlines. They are taking every precaution as they continue to provide food and the gospel of Jesus Christ in the midst of this pandemic.
As thousands across the state suddenly find themselves in need of extra assistance for basic necessities, TBHO hunger ministries are rising to the occasion, finding new and creative ways to serve their community.
All TBHO Partners have quickly pivoted their delivery methods to make sure those who are most at-risk during this time have safe access to food. This past week, TBHO ministries reported delivering tens of thousands of pounds of food in a new “drive-through” style to help minimize risks of exposure for both clients and volunteers serving the community.
Across the state, Texas Baptist Hunger Offering ministry partners are jumping to action. They are collaborating with churches to help provide during these uncertain times and living out our Biblical mandate to care for the vulnerable. These ministries will serve a vital role in the coming weeks as they help provide basic needs to senior adults and children—both of whom are particularly at-risk during this time. Beyond that, these partners are also meeting the very tangible needs of hundreds of families who face an unknown economic future in the weeks to come.
These ministry partners rely on our support. They have been able to respond swiftly and directly because they were already planted in their community and committed to working to alleviate food insecurity in Texas. As Texans unite and care for one another by staying indoors to stop the spread of Covid-19, another tangible way we can help is by continuing to support the Texas Baptist Hunger Offering. When you give to the Hunger Offering, 100% of the donation goes back out to support the ministries feeding people in need.
Over the past week, our lives have drastically changed, yet we take comfort in the hope that we serve a God who is still sovereign and is still on His throne. The Body of Christ is rising to meet this unprecedented challenge in new and exciting ways.
Click here to give to the Texas Baptist Hunger Offering.
Texas Baptists is a movement of God’s people to share Christ and show love by strengthening churches and ministers, engaging culture and connecting the nations to Jesus.
The ministry of the convention is made possible by giving through the Texas Baptists Cooperative Program, Mary Hill Davis Offering® for Texas Missions, Texas Baptists Worldwide and Texas Baptist Missions Foundation. Thank you for your faithful and generous support.
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