MAP Stories: To the Amazon

by Ana Elisa on April 29, 2020 in MAP Stories

We constantly hear about our friends that are in the Amazon doing God’s work. People that dedicated their lives to be there and left their family, friends, home churches and everything that was comfortable in order to serve. But what happens when one of us has the opportunity to be there for a little while, to serve with a short amount of time that we have available?

Our friend, Ana Elisa, with a group from her church, had the opportunity to visit the work that our missionaries do in the Amazon. Below is a letter she wrote to that amazing place.

“A letter to the Amazon:

My dear Amazon, I write you a letter of declaration of love. Although you deserve much more than that.

I confess that I was not so curious to meet you (nothing personal), but at a Tourism Fair you were introduced to me in another way. Since then, I haven't gotten you out of my head. 

I thought I wasn't going to meet you in person anytime soon. But God, your Father and mine too, always surprises us.

I was afraid to go when the opportunity came, as I would have to give up some things in order to do so. Then our Father gave me a pretty big wake up call! He didn't open the doors, he opened them really wide and specifically for me!

I had no idea of your grandeur. Of course, I had already seen it on TV and on the Internet. Obviously, you are very famous. But nothing compares to seeing you face-to-face! I felt the most insignificant being in the face of such beauty and greatness. But that feeling turned into joy, because you hugged me. And all I could do was cry. And that was only the first day!

I also cannot deny that the people who live with you are extremely special. They captivated me in such a way that I couldn't resist and, just like they welcomed me. I hugged them back. What beautiful people you have! I felt embraced by all of them.

I could write a book here of everything I saw and heard, but I thought it best to summarize. Anyway, my dear and sweet friend Amazonia, you captivated me. I don't know if you have read "The Little Prince" (I really recommend it), but in that book you find this sentence that says: "You become forever responsible for what you captivate." Now you are responsible for me and I for you. I can't wait to meet you again. I love you!

Signed: Your Friend and Partner Aninha”

If you want to know more about how to have an experience like Ana’s, help someone else have this kind of experience or help our missionaries in the Amazon or other countries, please contact to find the best way for you to partner with the Missionary Adoption Program.

Texas Baptists is a movement of God’s people to share Christ and show love by strengthening churches and ministers, engaging culture and connecting the nations to Jesus.

The ministry of the convention is made possible by giving through the Texas Baptists Cooperative Program, Mary Hill Davis Offering® for Texas Missions, Texas Baptists Worldwide and Texas Baptist Missions Foundation. Thank you for your faithful and generous support.

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