Missionary Adoption Program opens doors for expanded ministry in Brazil and beyond

by Kalie Lowrie on January 24, 2017 in Great Commission

Deep in the Amazon rain forest, in the midst of 10,000 unreached people groups, lies a community known as Livramento. Translated in English, “deliverance” is a poetic title for the city where God is actively delivering new believers out of darkness and into light.

Rhuan Kaique was delivered from a troubled adolescence to a lifetime of ministry by the faithful discipleship of the youth leaders at Passare Baptist Church. In 2015, Rhuan’s church commissioned him as a missionary to Livramento, a place only accessible to locals.

While working in this new mission field, he met Elieuma. Rhuan built trust with her family and began to lead them together in Bible study. Elieuma was captivated by the message of Jesus and prayed to receive Him. She began to intercede for her family in prayer and demonstrate her faith at home. The Holy Spirit acted and everyone in Elieuma's family gave their lives to Christ.

Her family began to share Christ with their friends. Through their faith, 17 people from their community received Christ and were baptized in one day.

The community of Livramento is being transformed by workers obedient to live out the Great Commission in Brazil. So many more stories like Rhuan’s are waiting to get started as missionaries prepare to go out into more villages in the Amazon.

Through Texas Baptists Missions’ new partnership with the Brazilian Baptist Convention, missionaries like Rhuan to receive funding to continue ministry in the Amazon. The Missionary Adoption Program partners churches in the US with churches in a host country to jointly sponsor a missionary. These missionaries will focus on evangelism, discipleship and church planting. Local Baptist conventions will provide training, support and regular check-ins.

MAP joins Texas Baptist churches with Brazilian Baptist churches, in support of national missionaries, taking the Gospel to 147 unreached people groups living along the Amazon.

“We are a missions people,” Texas Baptists Executive Director Dr. David Hardage said. “You want to talk about effective, efficient missions. This seems, to me, to be a great way to go about doing it. I think this could spread all over the world, but our first partnership will start with our long-time, dear friends in Brazil.”

To find out how your church can join in this new partnership, contact Jair Campos at jair.campos@texasbaptists.org or 713-494-2841. You can also visit texasbaptists.org/map for more information.

Texas Baptists is a movement of God’s people to share Christ and show love by strengthening churches and ministers, engaging culture and connecting the nations to Jesus.

The ministry of the convention is made possible by giving through the Texas Baptists Cooperative Program, Mary Hill Davis Offering® for Texas Missions, Texas Baptists Worldwide and Texas Baptist Missions Foundation. Thank you for your faithful and generous support.

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