Articles from January 2018

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Texas Baptists awarded NAMB evangelism award

by Kirsten McKimmey on January 31, 2018 in News

Texas Baptists was recently recognized by the North American Mission Board (NAMB) with an evangelism award for the “Highest Number of Baptisms” for the 2016 calendar year. Texas Baptists churches had a recorded 28,765 baptisms, making this the second year in a row for Texas Baptists to receive this national award.

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The Lord’s battle plan

by Guest Author on January 27, 2018 in Great Commandment

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Mind for business, heart for ministry

by Guest Author on January 23, 2018 in Faith

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Texas Baptists welcomes Daniel DeLeon as new Area 3 Representative

by Kirsten McKimmey on January 19, 2018 in News

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Moldova: God's niceness through the journey there

by Guest Author on January 18, 2018 in Great Commission

The story began about three years ago. I was a sophomore at the University of North Texas (UNT), in my rookie semester as an RA in the "artsy dorm" and I had decided to apply for GoNow Missions. I had absolutely no idea what I wanted to do or who I wanted to serve. I applied for a position in Jamaica because a friend of mine went the previous winter break and highly recommended it. However, I quickly discovered that the timing was not going to work out for that trip. So I ended up going to Discovery Day with absolutely no idea what position I was wanting or being called to.

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The Greatest Possible Benevolence

by Texas Baptists Communications on January 16, 2018 in Great Commandment

Back in 1848, at the first Baptist state convention in Texas, a handful of words were used to describe the primary purpose of the group gathered. Later on, in 1886, those same words were incorporated into the Baptist General Convention of Texas constitution at its formation.

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A Biblical Call to Benevolence

by Texas Baptists Communications on January 16, 2018 in Great Commandment

“BENEVOLENT WORK” is an old phrase referring to what churches do to help people meet their basic needs. Benevolence takes many forms, but a story told by Jesus provides many churches the foundation for their efforts.

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The Impact Center: Meeting needs and making disciples

by Guest Author on January 16, 2018 in Great Commandment

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Training eternally-focused churches in community ministry

by Kalie Lowrie on January 16, 2018 in Great Commandment

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Entrenar iglesias eternamente enfocadas en ministerios a la comunidad

by Kalie Lowrie on January 16, 2018 in Great Commandment

La Primera Iglesia Bautista de Valley Mills se encuentra en la cima de un monte en una comunidad de alrededor de 1,200 residentes. A pesar de que la iglesia ha participado continuamente en ministerios a la comunidad desde sus comienzos, el Pastor John Wheatley estaba interesado en encontrar maneras nuevas para servir. Él se comunicó con la Escuela de Trabajo Social de la Universidad de Baylor y pronto le conectaron con Travis Engel, un trabajador social quien comenzó a servir en la iglesia en el otoño del 2016.

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