Texas Baptists joins Ramsey Solutions to provide financial training for churches

by Kalie Lowrie on January 29, 2019 in News

DALLAS —This year, Texas Baptists join with Ramsey Solutions to help churches provide financial training to their members. Together with the Southern Baptist Convention, Ramsey Solutions Financial Peace University (FPU) leader materials are being offered at a discounted rate of $99. Additionally, Texas Baptists’ Center for Ministerial Excellence will provide $20 per kit through a grant received from the Lilly Endowment to support financial literacy within churches. The total cost for church leaders will be $79.

“We are excited to expand our resources for financial literacy to churches to include this program with Ramsey,” said Tammy Tijerina, director of the Center for Ministerial Excellence (CME). “The goal of CME is to increase the financial literacy of pastoral and church leaders and educate denominational leaders of the economic challenges many pastors face. By offering FPU materials at a discounted rate, our hope is that more churches can begin classes to encourage good stewardship and financial health in their church.”

FPU is a nine-lesson course that will guide church members through budgeting, saving for emergencies, paying off debt, and leaving a legacy for the future. Additionally, offering FPU courses within a church can open the door for outreach to the community.

"I didn't grow up in church,” said Dave Ramsey, founder of Ramsey Solutions. “I want financial peace classes to be an attraction to someone like I was – a reason for them to come over to the church to go to class to get out of debt but, oh by the way, Jesus is there."

The Center for Ministerial Excellence was established in 2017 to assist ministers through grant funds and financial literacy. Funded through the Lilly Endowment, Texas Baptists assisted 70 ministers and led six financial seminars last year.

Since the beginning of the CME program, more than $400,000 in matching grants has been awarded to ministers to alleviate financial burdens. Additional resources provided to church leaders through CME include Counseling Services, healthcare, and assistance with financial and retirement planning.

Church leaders interested in purchasing the FPU leader pack should visit http://www.fpu.com/SBCdeal and enter the promo code TXB. For additional financial literacy resoucres, contact Tammy Tijerina at tammy.tijerina@texasbaptists.org or call 214.828.5136.

Texas Baptists is a movement of God’s people to share Christ and show love by strengthening churches and ministers, engaging culture and connecting the nations to Jesus.

The ministry of the convention is made possible by giving through the Texas Baptists Cooperative Program, Mary Hill Davis Offering® for Texas Missions, Texas Baptists Worldwide and Texas Baptist Missions Foundation. Thank you for your faithful and generous support.

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