Texas Baptists welcome Tom Revilla as Central Texas Church Starter

by Kirsten McKimmey on July 25, 2017 in News

DALLAS - Texas Baptists Church Starting welcomes Tom Revilla as the new church starter for Area 6, Central Texas. This area spans from Austin to Central East Texas.

“I am excited to have Tom Revilla join our Church Starting Team,” said Paul Atkinson, director of Church Starting. “Tom brings high levels of experience in all aspects of church leadership. His recent work with Buckner International and Life Church of San Antonio have given him a set of skills which will benefit his work with new church starts in Central Texas. Texas Baptists is fortunate and blessed to welcome Tom Revilla to the Texas Baptists staff.”

Revilla’s seven years at Buckner International equipped him with the skills and knowledge of developing leaders. Along with Buckner, Revilla also previously assisted in starting churches in West, Texas as well as in San Antonio.

During his time at Life Church of San Antonio, Revilla served as Community Ministries coordinator. He worked closely with Pastor Victor Rodriguez, former president of Texas Baptists and the Hispanic Baptist Convention of Texas, receiving guidance and direction.

“Pastor Rodriguez had the biggest impact on me as far as instilling an urgency in my heart and mind to reach the lost. He showed me how to actually do outreach,” said Revilla.

Revilla will be serving upwards of 40 churches in his region.

“I desire for an increased impact in reaching lost souls of Texas. This is an opportunity for a greater impact, and I desire to see above average numbers of souls coming to the Lord. The best way to do that is starting new churches,” he said.

Revilla earned his bachelor’s degree from Hardin Simmons University, as well as his Master of Education Counseling from The University of Texas of the Permian Basin. He and his wife, Pilar, have two sons - Nicholas and Nathan.

He continued, “If we do church starting right, there is an opportunity for lost souls not only in Texas, but lost souls around the world.”

Texas Baptists is a movement of God’s people to share Christ and show love by strengthening churches and ministers, engaging culture and connecting the nations to Jesus.

The ministry of the convention is made possible by giving through the Texas Baptists Cooperative Program, Mary Hill Davis Offering® for Texas Missions, Texas Baptists Worldwide and Texas Baptist Missions Foundation. Thank you for your faithful and generous support.

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