Articles from September 2018

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Texas BSM witnesses 87 professions of faith since school began

by Kalie Lowrie on September 25, 2018 in Great Commission

God is at work on college campuses around the state of Texas. Since school began six weeks ago, Texas Baptist Student Ministry (BSM) has seen 87 students come to faith in Christ. Here are three salvation stories from BSM leaders about the life-changing experiences happening on their campuses.

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BHFSA presents $1 million grant, 2019 budget approved at September board meeting

by Kalie Lowrie on September 25, 2018 in News

During the September meeting of the Baptist General Convention of Texas Executive Board, the Baptist Health Foundation of San Antonio (BHFSA) presented a $1 million grant to Texas Baptists focused on church and church leaders’ health initiatives in South Texas.

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Texas Baptists BOUNCE Student Disaster Recovery aids Harvey affected areas for 2019

by Kirsten McKimmey on September 25, 2018 in Great Commission

BOUNCE Student Disaster Recovery’s mission is to restore hope, rebuild communities and reflect Christ. In 2019, they will do that by giving students the opportunity to be a part of the continued disaster recovery work for Hurricane Harvey, as well as new efforts to partner with church starts in Texas.

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Texas Baptists receives $1 Million to Fund Church Health Initiatives

by Kalie Lowrie on September 25, 2018 in News

The Baptist Health Foundation of San Antonio (BHFSA) awarded a $1 million grant, to be used over five years, to Texas Baptists (Baptist General Convention of Texas) focused on church and church leaders’ health initiatives in South Texas.

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Texas Baptist Men send disaster relief volunteers to N.C.

by Kirsten McKimmey on September 20, 2018 in News

On Sept. 20, Texas Baptist Men Disaster Relief sent their first group of volunteers, including 13 men and women, to Bayboro, North Carolina, in response to damage caused by Hurricane Florence.

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Building healthy and strong families in Peru

by Kalie Lowrie on September 18, 2018 in Great Commandment

When Elizabeth Mejía Laguna first came to the Buckner Family Hope Center, a Texas Baptist Hunger Offering recipient, she was shy and kept to herself. She often stayed in her home and did not interact with her neighbors.

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Hunger Offering ministry provides clean water, shares news of living water

by Guest Author on September 13, 2018 in Hunger Offering

By Abby Hopkins

Millions of people lack access to safe water in one country of sub-Saharan Africa. Within rural areas, many women and children walk more than three hours to collect water.

A married American couple recognized this need after several short-term trips to this African nation with their church and felt the Lord calling them to action.

“The need for water was the number one need constantly expressed by the people there,” said the husband, whom we need to keep anonymous.

They moved permanently to a rural part of the country to begin a ministry there. About half a million people reside in this area, with 90 percent not having access to clean water, he said.

The ministry conducts water projects in different communities, coordinating everything through local and national governments. So far, 15 water projects have been administered. The projects include water wells, WASH (water, sanitation, and hygiene) trainings and maintenance trainings for committee members of each community.

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Atchison details the importance of telling the story

by Guest Author on September 11, 2018 in Faith

Attempting to communicate truths from Jesus’s time to people living in 2018 has its difficulties, and as Great Commission Director Delvin Atchison described, the margin for error is great.

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Life trailer provides community outreach for local churches

by Guest Author on September 11, 2018 in News

Throughout the vast expansion of land, Robert Wheat, the director of missions for the association, wanted the churches to have a mobile resource to reach people in need of the Gospel. After months of dreaming, Wheat envisioned a ‘Life Trailer’ that was mobile and versatile for churches to utilize in reaching their communities.

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5 Checks Everyone In Church Must Make

by Guest Author on September 11, 2018 in Faith

James 4 gives us five checks we must make when conflict rises and joy drops.

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