Articles from September 2018

11 - 13 of 13 articles

Red Church, Blue Church: Why Christians Need to Avoid Hyper Partisanship

by Kathryn Freeman on September 6, 2018 in CLC

During the Texas Baptist Family Gathering, I led a workshop about how Christians can steward their public witness in an age of increasing tribalism. While the workshop room was packed, I think there are lessons from my workshop that deserve a broader audience because I am increasingly alarmed by the polarization in the church and what it is doing to our ability to make disciples. Many Christians are struggling within themselves to keep their partisan identities secondary to their identities as followers of Jesus Christ and it has lead to increased conflicts among believers.

According to a recent report by Lifeway, more than half of Protestant churchgoers under age 50 say they prefer to attend church with people who share their political views and few churchgoers say they attend services with people of a different political persuasion.

The increased partisan rancor in our country will have dire consequences. The church is following the culture rather than modeling how those of different political inclinations, races, genders, socioeconomic backgrounds can work together for the common good.Christians are increasingly moving to opposing corners based on politics, and our churches and our gospel witness is suffering because we have put our allegiance to our political parties before our allegiance to Christ and each other.

Unity does not mean uniformity. Democrats and Republicans -- not to mention partisans from Europe, Africa, Asia, and South America -- will be in heaven. Civic engagement and advocacy are important parts of what it means to be an American citizen, but we are first citizens of another kingdom, and must keep things in their proper order.

My pastor’s wife puts it this way, “Keep the main thing the main thing.” We are so beholden to our respective political parties we have lost sight of the main thing, namely the kingdom of God and our responsibility to make disciples.

Here are four pitfalls of the partisan trap for Christians and some suggestions for avoiding them.

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How churches should intentionally plan to protect congregations

by Guest Author on September 5, 2018 in Faith

It’s not a topic that most churches want to even think about. But with news headlines about violent attacks becoming more prevalent, one Texas Baptists church member says churches simply must make security a high priority.

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Texas Baptists welcome Eric Hernandez to the Great Commission Team

by Kirsten McKimmey on September 5, 2018 in News

Eric Hernandez recently joined Texas Baptists Great Commission Team as the new Apologetics Lead & Millennial Specialist.

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