In August 2015, Aaron and Nichole Carpenter and their children uprooted their lives in Alabama to move to the Pacific Northwest to plant a church. With little idea of where they would go, they began researching, and prayerfully settled on Tacoma, Washington as their new home and the location of the church plant.
As the new school year began, a fresh batch of teachers entered into schools around the country, nervous and excited for their first year of teaching. Though they have studied, student taught and prepared all summer, many of them still have lingering questions of what to expect.
First Baptist Church of Monahans has been actively involved in after-school ministry for five years. Judy Braswell, minister of Children, Education and Missions, began the ministry, and she continues to run it with a passion to this day.
Partnering with schools is a great way for churches to get plugged into the community and serve other people. Below are five tips that churches and Texas Baptists staff have suggested for connecting with your local schools:
The first Light Up the Hills Regional Motorcycle Retreat will be hosted in Kerrville, TX on Sept. 13 and 14. This retreat will provide Christian riders a chance to gather together and be encouraged through a motorcycle rally approach. It is free to all participants.
You may have heard about the benefits of something called a “Donor Advised Fund.” Simply put, a Donor Advised Fund is a vehicle for giving that lets you contribute assets to the fund when it’s most advantageous for you, receive a tax deduction, and then later decide how you want the money distributed.
David Miranda, pastor de West End Church y Especialista en Misiones para los Texas Baptists, describe el ministerio en una iglesia multi-étnica en Dallas.
David Miranda, pastor of West End Church and Texas Baptists Missions Specialist, describes ministry in a multi-ethnic church in Dallas.
Nuevas oportunidades de becas para estudiantes hispanos en DBU proveen el sostén económico que necesitan para crecer como líderes en sus comunidades.