A person would never leave a newborn baby to fend for itself, said Clayton Bullion, director of Baptist Student Ministry (BSM) at Tarleton State University, likewise, new believers should not be treated that way.
The banquet table of Christ is for everyone, said Dr. Michael Evans, president of Texas Baptists and pastor at Bethlehem Baptist Church in Mansfield, and Texas Baptists are compelled to invite others to join the feast.
“The Gospel uniquely calls us to be involved in this space of building bridges,” said Pastor Bryan Carter of Concord Church in Dallas during a Monday afternoon workshop on race and the church at the 2019 Texas Baptists Annual Meeting. “No matter what your background is, when we come to the Gospel we now share the same spiritual DNA, the same bloodline, so now we must work together.”
All three convention officers were re-elected to serve for a second term during the Monday morning business session at the 134th Annual Meeting of the Baptist General Convention of Texas Monday in Waco.
A new initiative by Texas Baptists aims to empower churches to make a collective impact on the growing statewide shortage of foster and adoptive families.
A crowd gathered for the African American Rally at the Greater Ebenezer Baptist Church in Waco to celebrate the beginning of the 2019 Texas Baptists Annual Meeting.
Hispanic Baptists joined for fellowship, worship and encouragement at the Hispanic Rally held at First Baptist Woodway during the first night of the 2019 Texas Baptists Annual Meeting.
The Royal Connection was a special event where King Ambassadors and Messengers of the King gather for a wonderful time of learning, growing and praying.
Daniel Rangel, director del Ministerio del Río de los Bautistas de Texas y misiones de México, falleció el 10 de noviembre de 2019. Rangel sirvió fielmente en el Equipo de Misiones durante 11 años. Supervisó un equipo de 17 misioneros del Ministerio del Río que sirven a lo largo de la frontera entre Texas y México y también trabajan dentro de México. Rangel fue un firme defensor del trabajo misionero y el evangelismo, y movilizó a innumerables voluntarios para servir en áreas de gran necesidad.
Daniel Rangel, director of Texas Baptists River Ministry and Mexico Missions, passed away on November 10, 2019. Rangel faithfully served with the Missions Team for 11 years. He oversaw a team of 17 River Ministry missionaries who serve along the Texas/Mexico border and into Mexico. Rangel was a strong advocate for mission work and evangelism, and he mobilized countless volunteers to serve in areas of great need.