More than 100 people joined together in Matamoros on November 17 to discuss the importance of ministry along the Texas/Mexico border at a Border Summit co-hosted by Texas Baptists and the Seminario Teológico Bautista Cosme G. Montemayor.
Cooperation can be a catalyst for change and a powerful tool for community ministry. Recently, Texas Baptist Missions Foundation (TBMF) Vice President Jerry Carlisle connected a donor and a matching grant, with a new church start at just the right moment. Through connections with TBMF, the local association, church starting, and a partner church, The Church at Junius Heights is now equipped for ministry in the East Dallas community.
En el libro de Éxodo, una caravana de israelitas salió de Egipto con rumbo a su nuevo hogar en Canán. Enfrentaron muchos obstáculos en su viaje. Algunos les hicieron frente con bondad, mientras que otros se rehusaron a mostrar el menor destello de gracia.
En Deuteronomio 23:4, Dios le prohíbe a amonitas y moabitas ser parte de la asamblea por haberse negado a proporcionar comida y bebida a los israelitas en el desierto. En el capítulo 10 de Deuteronomio, Dios les recuerda a los israelitas su amor por los extranjeros, y les ordena amarles como a sí mismos porque alguna vez ellos mismos fueron extranjeros en Egipto.
Es obvio que los Estados Unidos de América no son Israel, y los mismos mandamientos para los seguidores de Cristo no se aplican a una nación soberana. Aún así, al momento nos enfrentamos a nuestras propias caravanas. Podemos aplicar principios bíblicos a nuestras respuestas personales al mismo tiempo que pensamos bíblicamente y sopesamos soluciones políticas justas.
Antes de discutir sobre reformas a las políticas de inmigración, es importante entender algunos aspectos básicos al respecto del sistema de inmigración. Como seguidores de Cristo, no debemos dar falso testimonio en nuestro hablar. En las últimas semanas hemos sido bombardeados por historias en los medios masivos sobre migrantes “enfermos”, “hordas invasoras”, “terroristas” y “traficantes de droga”. Estos reportes noticiosos han hecho del tema un asunto sensacionalista a fin de atizar el miedo de este lado de la frontera.
Este blog incluye algunos hechos básicos sobre el proceso de pedir asilo en los Estados Unidos y las maneras en que algunos de los integrantes de la caravana podrían permanecer legalmente en los Estados Unidos. En una segunda entrega, incluiré algunas ideas para implementación de políticas a fin de incrementar la seguridad fronteriza y mejorar el proceso de solicitud de asilo.
A veces es difícil recordar lo bueno cuando abundan el odio y la violencia. Las palabras de Richard Foster me recuerdan el verdadero corazón de Dios: “Nuestro Dios no está hecho de piedra. Su corazón es el más sensible y tierno de todos. Ningún acto pasa inadvertido, por insignificante o pequeño que sea. Un vaso de agua fresca es suficiente para hacer brotar lágrimas en los ojos de Dios. Dios celebra nuestras expresiones más pequeñas de gratitud”.
Giving Tuesday (Martes de Ofrenda, en español), el 27 de noviembre, es un día dedicado a estas pequeñas expresiones de gratitud. Las donaciones a la Ofrenda contra el Hambre de los Bautistas de Texas de ese día serán usadas con el fin de comprar comidas para niños marginados en la Operación San Andrés en Collique, Perú. La meta es recaudar $10,000 para 5,000 comidas.
In the book of Exodus, a caravan of Israelites set out from Egypt to their new home in Canaan. They faced many challenges on their journey. Some groups along the way met them with kindness, while others failed to offer any grace.
In Deuteronomy 23:4, God bans Ammonites and Moabites from entering the assembly because of their failure to meet the Israelites with food and water in the desert. In Deuteronomy 10, God reminds the Israelites of His love for the foreigner and commands them to love the foreigner because they were once foreigners in Egypt.
Obviously, America is not Israel, and the same prescriptions placed on followers of Christ do not apply to a sovereign nation. Still, we presently face our own caravans. We can apply biblical principles to our personal responses as we seek to think biblically and consider just policy solutions.
Before discussing policy reforms, it is important to understand some basics about the immigration system. As followers of Christ we should not to bear false witness in our speech. Over the last several weeks we have been bombarded with news stories about a “diseased” migrants, “invading hordes,” “terrorists,” and “drug dealers.” These news reports have sensationalized this issue to stoke fear on this side of the border.
This blog post includes basic facts about the process for seeking asylum in the U.S. and how some of those in the migrant caravan might be allowed to legally stay in the U.S. In a second post, I will include some policy ideas that enhance border security and improve the process for seeking asylum.
Sometimes it’s hard to remember goodness when hatred and violence abound. Richard Foster’s words remind me of God’s true heart: “Our God is not made of stone. His heart is the most sensitive and tender of all. No act goes unnoticed, no matter how insignificant or small. A cup of cold water is enough to put tears in the eyes of God. God celebrates our feeble expressions of gratitude.”
Giving Tuesday, Nov. 27, is a day dedicated to these feeble expressions by giving back. Texas Baptist Hunger Offering donations that day will purchase meals for marginalized children at Operación San Andrés in Collique, Peru. The goal is to raise $10,000 for 5,000 meals.
I love the imagery of the Creator of the universe tearing up when a cup or plate passes from hand to hand -- with a smile, no doubt. It is like celebrating communion -- an act of worship and reverence for God. Heaven seems to meet earth in the simplest of places.
On April 5, 2018, BSM Director Cody Shouse sat in Austin traffic on the way home from The University of Texas at Austin’s Longhorn BSM weekly Bible study. Unexpectedly, his car was hit from behind by another vehicle going 60 miles per hour, resulting in a serious accident.
By Abby Hopkins
#GivingTuesday 2018 is fast approaching, and we hope you are getting excited! Although our goal is to raise $10,000 for Operación San Andrés, we want to let you know other ways you can continue to take part in the ministry’s work.
Knit baby blankets, stocking hats, prayer shawls, or anything else that will help people in Collique during cold and damp winters.
Are you in college or seminary? Intern with OSA. You can spend up to 8 weeks at their mission site in Peru doing special projects, and may be able to use it for college credit.
Do you work for a children’s mission organization? Hold a fundraiser or get your kids involved to help kids in Collique. Here are some ideas:
Collect school supplies and send them to OSA.
Contact OSA for specific names and photos of children who participate in the Educational Enrichment Program and pray for them by name with your organization.
Visit to research more about the ministry and share what you find with the kids .
Go to Peru and serve with OSA in April or October on a mission trip.
Become a regular donor to the Hunger Offering or sign up for our newsletter to stay in-the-know.
Usually, the person with a birthday receives presents. But when New Hope First Baptist Church in Cedar Park turned 150 years old, they decided to do things a little differently.
WACO—George W. Truett Theological Seminary and Texas Baptists have entered into a collaborative agreement between Truett Seminary’s Online Certificate Program and the Texas Baptists Preschool & Children’s Certification Program in order to create a Joint Certificate Program that will provide students with the opportunity to earn an Advanced Certificate of Ministry.