"My dear Amazon, I write you a letter of declaration of love."
El lunes 27 de abril, el gobernador Greg Abbott anunció que permitirá que la Orden Ejecutiva GA-16 (la Orden Ejecutiva anterior) expire al final del mes.
On Monday, April 27, Governor Greg Abbott announced that he will allow Executive Order GA-16 (the old EO) to expire, as scheduled, at the end of the month.
¿Qué hacemos con la incertidumbre de nuestras vidas con el coronavirus?
What are we to do with the uncertainty of our lives with the coronavirus?
"It helped things feel more normal.”
"We needed a space where people could come together to voice concerns and feel heard,”
Forty-six homes are completely destroyed. Two hundred ninety-one more are damaged. A community is shaken but determined to press on.
El 21 de abril, el Gobernador de Texas Greg Abbott y el Procurador General Ken Paxton emitieron una versión actualizada de su declaración conjunta titulada "Guías para las iglesias o templos durante la crisis de COVID-19".
On April 21, Texas Governor Greg Abbott and Attorney General Ken Paxton issued an updated version of their joint statement titled “Guidance to Houses of Worship During the COVID-19 Crisis.”