"I want them to know that everyone can pray."
"I thought they might be overloaded right now, and I wanted to let them know they were being prayed for.”
PUA proveerá una cantidad de beneficio semanal que es similar a la que el individuo recibiría si cualificara para compensación regular por desempleo.
PUA will provide a Weekly Benefit Amount that is the same as what the individual would have received had he or she qualified for regular unemployment compensation.
Es importante considerar asuntos concernientes con la privacidad y los derechos de propiedad intelectual.
It is important to take into account concerns involving privacy and intellectual property rights.
These diagrams represent possible church classroom scenarios for groups/classes of adults and youth.
Parents and teachers can help prepare preschoolers for face masks by practicing and making masks something fun and personal.
“I’m excited about the marriage between politics and Scripture in this role.”
"It is a great way to impact Kingdom work around our state..."