Articles by Ali Corona

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An announcement letter from Ali

by Ali Corona on April 5, 2019 in CLC


It’s with excitement and sadness that I inform you of some news. After four years of having the true privilege of serving as the hunger and care ministries specialist at the CLC, I will be transitioning to a new position as a crisis counselor in Marble Falls.

Words do not feel adequate for how grateful I am for every person whom I’ve had the honor to know and work alongside in this ministry. Thank you doesn’t seem to suffice.

I will serve as an adult outreach counselor at Highland Lakes Family Crisis Center, close in proximity to our church, First Baptist Church of Marble Falls. I will be working with individuals dealing with trauma while pursuing my credentials as a licensed clinical social worker. I hope to gain a better understanding of trauma-informed care and learn to walk with people on their healing journeys. I covet your prayers in this new chapter of my life.

The change is very bittersweet. These past four years have changed my life. I love and believe in the Texas Baptist Hunger Offering, the CLC, and the Texas Baptist family. I hold dear so many beautiful memories across Texas and around the world. I have learned a great deal from numerous churches and ministries impacting their communities with beauty, justice, and restoration.

I can’t help but think of Paul’s words to the church of Philippi: “I give thanks to my God for every remembrance of you, always praying with joy for all of you in my every prayer, because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now” (Philippians 1:3-5, CSB).

Thank you, Dr. Reyes, Dr. Foster, and Dr. Hardage for giving this Tennessean a chance. Shout out to Marilyn, Kathryn, Rebecca, and everyone else who are more than coworkers, they are family.

Thank you, colleagues and friends, for your encouragement to me personally, and more importantly, your desire to pursue the call to justice, mercy, and equality.



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$7,070 raised to impact Peru and the world on #GivingTuesday

by Ali Corona on December 6, 2018 in Hunger Offering

In one day, Texas Baptists provided 1,900 meals for marginalized students in Peru. And that’s just half of it.

Together, Texas Baptists raised $3,800 -- or 1,900 meals-- for Operación San Andrés this past Giving Tuesday. Even more, an additional $3,270 was raised for the Hunger Offering general fund. That’s a total of $7,070 to feed people in need, to support families breaking the cycle of poverty, and to show people the love of Christ. Amazing!

I cannot fully express my gratitude to everyone who participated. Your gifts impact the world -- one meal at a time.

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Pass the plate this Thanksgiving season

by Ali Corona on November 16, 2018 in CLC

Sometimes it’s hard to remember goodness when hatred and violence abound. Richard Foster’s words remind me of God’s true heart: “Our God is not made of stone. His heart is the most sensitive and tender of all. No act goes unnoticed, no matter how insignificant or small. A cup of cold water is enough to put tears in the eyes of God. God celebrates our feeble expressions of gratitude.”

Giving Tuesday, Nov. 27, is a day dedicated to these feeble expressions by giving back. Texas Baptist Hunger Offering donations that day will purchase meals for marginalized children at Operación San Andrés in Collique, Peru. The goal is to raise $10,000 for 5,000 meals.

I love the imagery of the Creator of the universe tearing up when a cup or plate passes from hand to hand -- with a smile, no doubt. It is like celebrating communion -- an act of worship and reverence for God. Heaven seems to meet earth in the simplest of places.

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WMU encourages believers to pursue God’s Gospel calling

by Kirsten McKimmey on April 26, 2018 in News

The Woman’s Missionary Union of Texas (WMU) hosted their Annual Meeting and Missions Celebration on April 13-14 at First Baptist Church Georgetown. The focus of this meeting was to pursue God’s Gospel-calling. The event challenged attendees to make an impact in their communities for the Kingdom through passionately telling His story, creatively empowering leaders and obediently engaging the world for Christ.

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Bless This Meal: A Biblical Perspective

by Ali Corona on April 16, 2018 in CLC

By Ali Corona

He may have felt insignificant -- a young boy walking home with a basket of lunch for his family -- five small loaves and two fish.

With a glance toward heaven and a heartfelt prayer, Jesus multiplied a few parcels into a lavish feast for a crowd that was hungry for spiritual and physical nourishment.

All four gospels recount this important moment in history. The sight of the unseen Kingdom colliding with the world must have made a deep impression on each of their hearts and minds.

Today, an estimated 795 million people around the world are undernourished. In Texas, 1 in 6 families are unable to put meals on their tables everyday. Hunger, both physical and spiritual, is devastating.

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Training eternally-focused churches in community ministry

by Kalie Lowrie on January 16, 2018 in Great Commandment

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Entrenar iglesias eternamente enfocadas en ministerios a la comunidad

by Kalie Lowrie on January 16, 2018 in Great Commandment

La Primera Iglesia Bautista de Valley Mills se encuentra en la cima de un monte en una comunidad de alrededor de 1,200 residentes. A pesar de que la iglesia ha participado continuamente en ministerios a la comunidad desde sus comienzos, el Pastor John Wheatley estaba interesado en encontrar maneras nuevas para servir. Él se comunicó con la Escuela de Trabajo Social de la Universidad de Baylor y pronto le conectaron con Travis Engel, un trabajador social quien comenzó a servir en la iglesia en el otoño del 2016.

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Walk the Way

by Ali Corona on October 12, 2017 in CLC

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Sharing the love of Christ in both word and deed at Friendship Baptist Church

by Kirsten McKimmey on September 20, 2017 in News

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Satisfying hunger: A Texas Baptist Hunger Offering story

by Analiz Schremmer on May 2, 2017 in Great Commandment

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