Dykes encourages Texas Baptists to embrace unity at Family Gathering

by Guest Author on August 29, 2018 in Faith

By Teresa Young, contributing writer and director of Alumni Relations at Wayland Baptist University

“Unity is valuable because it is so rare,” said David Dykes, pastor of Green Acres Baptist Church in Tyler, Texas, during his Monday night sermon at the 2018 Texas Baptists Family Gathering.

Referencing 1 Corinthians 10:10 to open his message, Dykes took a look back in Texas Baptist history to some instances of division and strife to encourage the audience of Texas Baptists to embrace unity across the denomination.

Dykes clarified that he was not defining unity as unison or uniformity, but stated, “there is beauty in diversity in unity. There doesn’t have to be one way to worship, one Bible translation, one way to serve the Lord.”

“It [unity] is a supernatural bond that only God can create. We can’t create unity, we have to maintain it in the bond of peace,” continued Dykes, noting that while Baptists have had some historical rifts, they have also had some amazing wins.

“We are partners in evangelism. We all are committed to reaching people for Christ. We’re not going to give up until everyone in Texas has at least had the opportunity to give their hearts and lives to Jesus Christ. We’re united in missions. We are united in education, training the next generation in our colleges and our seminaries to serve. We’re united in ministry, a passion for compassion,” he said.

“We need to keep the unity and recapture the passion and the spirit of some of our first Texas Baptists. What is it that makes us one? What is it that gives us one mind? It’s not my mind. It’s not your mind. Iit is the mind of Christ.”

Dykes preached the following sermon on July 30 in Arlington, Texas. To view the entire sermon, click play below.

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