Texas Baptists is a movement of God’s people to share Christ and show love by strengthening churches and ministers, transforming culture, and connecting the nations to Jesus.
Texas Baptists exist primarily to serve the needs of our churches; to help the local church be healthy so that God’s people may succeed in His mission of connecting the world to Jesus.
The Church will only be as healthy as her ministers. We invest in Texas Baptist ministers to encourage them towards excellence so they can be their best to serve the Lord and his people.
As ministers of reconciliation, we seek to bring people to God and into community with God’s people by building bridges between people groups, healing brokenness, confronting systemic evils, and speaking truth to power that we might influence the secular towards the sacred.
Connecting churches with strategic missions opportunities from their local communities to the ends of the earth, all while intentionally living out their missional lifestyle.
The Lord has brought the nations to Texas through our college campuses. Texas Baptist Student Ministry reaches college students for Christ, strengthens Christian college students through discipleship and apologetics, and prepares future leaders for the church.